Top 10 smartest cats in the world

Edwin Stubbs
5 min readJul 8, 2020


10. Norwegian forest cat

Norwegian forest cat

The ten most intelligent cats are opened by the Norwegian Forest breed, which takes its roots from ancient Scandinavia. Representatives of this breed have good health, stamina and savvy. This is a fairly large and strong feline species. Norwegians are hunting, and therefore have high intelligence and ingenuity. They are able to survive even in the most dangerous situations. In addition, they are playful and hospitable, restrained and peaceful animals.

9. Maine Coon

Maine coon

Representatives of this breed of smart cats are very friendly and welcoming. In a relationship with their master, they show devotion like a dog. Compared with a particular breed of dog, the Maine Coons are similar to Labradors in intelligence. They also lend themselves to training for the execution of commands. They get along with all this wonderfully with all family members, in games with children they are not aggressive, but rather restrained and quick-witted. If Maine Coon is tired of attention, then he will simply retire to a secluded place, while he will not offend anyone.

8. Siberian cat

Siberian cat

This breed is one of the smartest cats on the planet. Siberian cat also has good insight, endurance and adaptation. But in addition to these qualities, she is awarded an affectionate and friendly character. Very hospitable and friendly. Siberian cats are wonderful nannies, with children are sustained and balanced. They have excellent intelligence and curiosity. Siberian cats feel their territory and are able to protect it, alerting their owner about a possible danger.

7. Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat

These are peaceful, informative, kind and very smart cats that need attention. By virtue of their curiosity they will stick their nose wherever possible. They are very playful and agile. They have a high intellect, thanks to which the Abyssinians are ready to carry out various commands. They are also distinguished by their fidelity and love for their master, whom they know and understand as themselves.

6. Balinese cat

Balinese cat

Representatives of the Balinese breed considered the loyalty and intelligence of their canine brethren. With constant communication with a person, they quickly learn the implementation of various tricks, one of which is the apportion of abandoned objects. In addition, balines are quite playful, agile, but at the same time gentle and peaceful animals. They like to discover new horizons, so the territory where they live will be explored in a matter of days.

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5. Bengal cat

Bengal cat

The Bengal cat entered the top 10 most intelligent cats in the world. Despite the origin from wild relatives, bengals are quite friendly and welcoming pets, they are so attached to their owner that they can not imagine their existence without it. Bengal cats have an impressive mind and their advantages include the ability to use switches, latches, open cranes and more. They are also excellent interlocutors who know how to feel the mood of a companion to the smallest detail.

4. Munchkin cat

Munchkin cat

Cats belonging to this breed are also called dwarfs, for their short legs, which caused a gene mutation. But despite the small size of the legs, the munchkins have remarkable speed and resourcefulness. The legs of the Manchkin are so developed that it will not be more difficult for them to defeat the enemy. Cleverness, courage and a unique mind are characteristic of this breed. They can easily be taught to perform various maneuvers, even to solve logical tasks.

3. Siamese cat

Siamese cat

This is a freedom-loving and wayward representative of the most intelligent cats in the world. But at the same time she is attached to her owner and is jealous of him. The Siamese cats are graceful and curious, and also smart. It will not be difficult for them to learn any commands, but thanks to their cunning and ingenuity, on the contrary, they are able to manipulate others. Siamese still do not like screams and noise, a mess in the apartment and will quickly notify their discontent.

2. Oriental longhair

Oriental longhair

Perhaps more welcoming and sensitive cats are not found. Orientals are soft and good-natured animals that perfectly serve as an outlet and soothing for everyone, thanks to their telepathic abilities. They, like everyone else, love to learn new things around themselves and cannot do without outdoor games. Thanks to its well-developed intelligence, this smart cat breed lends itself well to commands and rules of the game. Oriental cats have absorbed inexhaustible energy and mobility, so they must be sent in the right direction so that the cat does not come up with an activity that will not appeal to household members.

1. Sphynx cat

Sphynx cat

Despite their not quite attractive appearance, sphynxes are the kindest and most affectionate pets. They are good-natured and loving, and also belong to the smartest cats in the world. Sphinxes easily learn teams and quickly respond to them. These bewitching pets like true philosophers like to freeze in one pose and spend hours thinking about something. They are absolutely harmless and are not able to show aggression, even if they offend. On the contrary, it is a wonderful conversationalist, or even a true friend for its owner.

Would you like to train your cat?

When you learn how to train your cat, you start with very basic first steps that reward good behavior and discourage bad behavior. But can you train a cat the same way you train a dog? Yes and no. Because cats are very independent animals, they may appear distant or uninterested in following your orders. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t influence their behavior. If you are patient and consistent, your new kitten or older cat can be trained in no time.



Edwin Stubbs
Edwin Stubbs

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