Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Edwin Stubbs
7 min readJul 28, 2020


10. Boxer


Opens the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world Boxer. The history of this breed dates back to Germany. She was bred from the now extinct Bullensbeyser and English Bulldog. It is distinguished by an agreeable character, as well as playfulness, while a boxer has a craving for various games at any age. This breed of dog is actively used as a watchman for the protection of objects and livestock, as well as a guide for the blind. Although the initial aggression has been removed by the breeders, the boxer loves to chase smaller animals and is very wary of strangers.

9. Great Dane

Great Dane
Great Dane

Great Dane grows to a gigantic size — 80 centimeters at the withers! Moreover, their weight reaches 90 kilograms. These are noble dogs, their movements are dexterous and graceful, they also love their owners and children very much. Great Danes can hardly be attributed to the most evil dog breeds, but because of their weight they can often knock even an adult to the ground, in some cases minor injuries, such as bruises and bruises, are possible. When playing with children, the Great Dane can stand on the child’s shoulders with its front paws and accidentally crush him. This should not be seen as an act of aggression, you just need to avoid such situations. Dogs of this breed, in addition to their size, have a rather low life expectancy — from 7 to 8 years. Puppies are trained from childhood, as adults are reluctant to learn.

8. Chow-chow


According to modern research, Chow Chow dogs are one of the most ancient. They were used mostly in China. According to some sources, the name of this breed is translated as “edible”, since in the past there were entire farms for breeding Chow Chow, followed by slaughter and consumption. Now they are bred as guard dogs and companions. Considering that Chow Chow is one of the most dangerous dog breeds, you should not let small children approach its representatives, as they may not tolerate children’s games and respond with strong aggression. Strangers should also not get too close to the dog so as not to provoke. Chow-chow has a positive attitude only to the owner, whom the dog chooses himself, and to the rest of his close people he will be simply benevolent. Also, dogs of this dangerous breed often show aggressiveness towards smaller animals.

7. Doberman


Doberman Pinscher is one of the most dangerous dogs for humans. It is also one of the best breeds for the police and security service. They are strong and powerful dogs, they are easy to train, have an excellent mind and are extremely loyal to their owner. In addition, after a short course of training, Dobermans can be safely left even with small children, without fear of aggression in case of careless pranks. If you conduct a full course of training with a Doberman, you can get a professional bodyguard, who only needs one command from the owner to attack. However, this breed has peculiar deviations. Sometimes a Doberman can be born either too aggressive or, on the contrary, cowardly; in both cases, such a dog can be dangerous to others. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning of the selection, Dobermans were used only for the police and army service, which required the maximum anger that the dog was only capable of. Breeders are struggling with this phenomenon, but the final victory is still far away.

6. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Malamute

Malamutes were bred by the Malemute Eskimo tribe for use in dog sledding. This breed is distinguished by increased strength and endurance, these are the main qualities by which Alaskan Malamutes are judged. Also, this breed is divided into two lines — M’Lut and Kotzebue. The first are larger, capable of aggressive actions, their height can reach 63–65 centimeters at the withers. Malamutes are descended from wolves, so they do not bark, but make sounds similar to grunts. This is due to the fact that their ancestry originates from wild wolves. Otherwise, Alaskan Malamutes are very playful and cheerful dogs that require frequent, long walks and intense physical activity. They also love to dig and can easily ruin any floor covering by simply tearing it up. This is due to the fact that, once in the wild, they get their own food by digging various rodents out of the ground.

5. Czechoslovakian Vlcak

Czechoslovakian Vlcak
Czechoslovakian Vlcak

Many dog lovers strive to have a pet that looks and behaves like a real wolf. It is considered honorable, and its owner is usually respected by other dog owners. In fact, a hybrid of a wolf and a dog was specially bred to serve in the police and at the border. Breeders sought to create an animal with a sense of smell, as well as the intelligence of a wolf and a loyalty to a dog. The experiments turned out to be successful, at least seven separate breeds of wolf dogs are known today. However, no one can guarantee what percentage of a wolf and what percentage of a dog will be in a single individual. Because of this, it is not recommended to have a wolfdog in families with small children or small animals, since such a pet is capable of suddenly showing strong aggression, which makes the breed one of the most dangerous in the world.

4. Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky

Huskies, like Alaskan Malamutes, were bred for sledding. Their history goes deep into the past. They are distinguished by a very quiet disposition, make practically no noise, and almost never bark. Their loving disposition can play a cruel joke with the owner — the dog is not intended for protection and can meet the intruder as a best friend. But this does not mean at all that the breed cannot be dangerous.

3. German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd dog opens the top three most dangerous canines. The breed is very popular in the world, and television has played an important role in this. These are truly versatile dogs, they are able to perform any task, from searching to protecting small children.

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They are very easy to train, as the German Shepherd is one of the smartest breeds. However, their mind gives rise to several problems. The most important of them is resentment. If the owner does not please his pet in any way, then he begins to look for ways of revenge, and the methods can be very different and reach open aggression.

2. Rottweiler dog

Rottweiler dog
Rottweiler dog

The Rottweiler is one of the most dangerous dog breeds, which was created to guard livestock and premises, but was later used for dog fights. These are powerful dogs of medium size, can be quite aggressive towards strangers and even towards the owner, if he is not the “head of the pack” and does not train his pet. Given the natural cunning of the Rottweiler and its strength, it is better not to come across a feral dog of this breed.

1. Pit bull terrier

Pit bull terrier
Pit bull terrier

The Pit Bull Terrier is rightfully recognized as the most dangerous breed of dog. These are medium-sized dogs, but they are very agile, hardy and strong. The purpose of their creation was to breed a dog that would be suitable for dog fights. As a result, their aggressiveness, raised to the absolute, manifested itself. Of course, in ordinary life, a pit bull can seem like a relatively calm, cheerful dog, ready for any games and sincerely loving its owner. However, according to statistics, in the same USA, it is pit bulls that lead the ratings in terms of the frequency of attacks. Fatal cases are not uncommon, small children can be especially affected by a pit bull.

