Top 10 Most Beautiful Cats in the World

Edwin Stubbs
6 min readJul 21, 2020


1. British shorthair

British shorthair

Opens a list of the 10 most beautiful cats in the world British Shorthair. This breed first appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain. Cheshire Cat is considered to be their descendant. Despite a strong physique, cats are very kind, smart and patient. This breed does not require increased attention to its person, it easily tolerates long-term separation from its owner. The beautiful color of the British Shorthair can be solid, smoky, tabby, bicolor and tortie. Despite the massive structure, representatives of this breed are very fast and agile. They love to play with their hosts. It should be noted that this species catches rats and mice very well. Cats have a very peculiar character, they do not like to be petted and worn on their hands once again. By their nature, they are very calm and will never make disturbances in the house, for example, tearing books, hanging on curtains, etc.

2. Bengal cat

Bengal cat

There is an opinion that Bengal cats are very aggressive. This is actually not the case. They are hunters by nature, they love to catch birds and mice. Despite this, they can be very affectionate, perfectly combining the qualities of a domestic and wild animal. These beautiful cats require upbringing from a very young age. If you do not deal with such an animal, then it can become a little wild. With a Bengal cat is never bored, she is very energetic and playful. There are no special difficulties in leaving, as she is smooth-haired. Even people with a tendency to allergies can get a Bengal cat, as allergies are almost never caused by their hair.

3. Siberian cat

Siberian cat

Siberian cat is one of the most beautiful cat breeds. The mustachioed representatives of this species have a very unique coat, it does not leak moisture and perfectly protects the animal from the effects of low temperatures. One of the calling cards of this variety is the fluffy tail. The color of this breed can be the most diverse. Siberian cats are very beautiful creatures due to fluffy hair and a pretty face. They do an excellent job with the role of pet and hunter. Despite their small size, they are always in excellent physical shape.

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4. Scottish fold

Scottish fold

For many, Scottish fold is the most beautiful cat in the world. This unusual variety of domestic animals appeared as a result of gene mutations. In addition to the Scottish fold there is also a straight-eared cat. If the first kittens appear — this does not mean at all that they will be of the same breed. To determine the need to be able to properly analyze the shape of the ears. If a kitten straightened up at a certain age, then this is a Scottish straight-eared kitten, if not, then a fold. Scottish fold has a soft balanced character. They are very playful. One of the highlights of this breed is the ability to stand on its hind legs without much effort.

5. Snowshoe cat

Snowshoe cat

Snowshoe cat is a beautiful cat breed that arose as a result of crossing an American Shorthair cat with a Siamese one. The species got its name thanks to the so-called white socks. By the nature of snow shu, they are very kind and affectionate. These beautiful cats easily find a common language with children. How to find a common language with your cat? Such pets cannot stand loneliness, they are very attached to their owners. Snowshoe cat do not require special care. They have a reduced sense of disgust for water, so bathing them is a pleasure. This breed has two types of color: force point and blue point (with white marks).

6. Toyger


The cat breed Toyger appeared relatively recently. In its color, its representatives resemble a tiger. In addition to being one of the most beautiful cats in the world, toyger also has a friendly and complaisant character. Such a cat is perfect for families with children, as it is completely not aggressive and is not able to scratch anyone, much less bite. They love to play and sit on their hands. Toygers are very smart, easily learn new skills. Cats of this species love water. Some representatives of this species can even dive into the water for their favorite toys.

7. Siamese cat

Siamese cat

Siamese cats are very active and sociable. They cannot stand loneliness, they are very attached to their master. In addition, they love to be in the spotlight. Despite the fact that the Siamese cat is one of the most beautiful in the world, it has two negative traits, such as jealousy and revenge. Remember, if a person dares to offend this pet, he will never forgive this and will take revenge at the opportune moment. Siamese cats are very easy to train and that is why they often perform in the circus.

8. Russian blue

Russian blue

Russian blue is one of the most popular and most beautiful cats in the world. This breed of pets has a soft, flexible character. They are very kind and completely not vengeful. Even if you strongly offend the cat, it will never release its claws. Russian blue cat is ideal for families with children or the elderly.

9. American shorthair

American shorthair

American Shorthair cats have a unique striped color. They have a muscular body structure and are themselves large enough, their weight can reach 8 kilograms. This breed is the owner of a wide variety of colors, such as: white, cream, black and smoky, blue and bicolor. American Shorthair is not whimsical to care for. Despite the fact that these beautiful cats are real mousetraps by nature, at the same time they can be wonderful pets. In order for the cat to feel good with it, it is necessary to play and make it move as much as possible, since this breed is predisposed to obesity. Also, this species does not require special attention to its person. While the owner is busy, the animal will easily find an activity that can captivate itself.

10. Abyssinian cat

Abyssinian cat

Completes the top 10 most beautiful cats in the world Abyssinian. This species first came to Europe from Africa. As a rule, Abyssinian cats have a beautiful golden brown color, which is complemented by black ticking. Today, there are many new varieties of colors. Abyssinian cats are very intelligent and extremely temperamental. They can easily get along with other cats and even dogs, and they also love their owners very much.

Did you know that you can now learn to communicate directly with your cat? Click here to learn more.

